Position and size of the sun: Right ascension: 5h7m27s Declination: 22g53'16" Angular radius: 15.75' Sideral time of Greenwich at 0.00 UT: 17h6m52s Distance sun-Venus: 0.715 AU Site of observation 1: geographical latitude: 51.24 geographical longitude: 7.0 Site of observation 2: geographical latitude: -21.22 geographical longitude: 14.86 Observation time: 8 UT Venus' position, measured at site 1: x1: -0.2537 y1: -0.6299 Venus' position, measured at site 2: x2: -0.2673 y2: -0.6063 Results: Parallactic displacement beta : 25.7" Linear distance of the two observers Delta : 1.19RE Projected distance of the two observers Delta*sin(w) : 1.17RE Parallax of the Sun piS : 8.8"